petek, 27. september 2013

diy bird necklace

Diy bird necklace

For base you need leatherette or felt or something like that.

Then you cut out the bird.

And glue on the stones.

Then you take a chain and make a hole on the bird wings, and put the chain through.

                                                                Thats all :)

torek, 24. september 2013

Diy flower bracelet

 Step by step bracelet :)

                                         You need leatherette, stokes and buttons.

Then you cut leatherettein a shape of strap, how wide should be your choice.

Then you take buttons and sew them on the ends.

Now you fold the end and sew it with zig zag sew, on both sides.

Then you go aroun and around the bracelet with zig zag sew.

You take stokes and you attached them as you wish.

Finish :)


nedelja, 8. september 2013

diy bag

Make your own bag :)
Step by step.

You need a pice of leatherette,zipper and a chain.

                         You cut out a square of leatherette and sew the zipper on.

Then you sew on the edges of the bag. Be sure to leave the zipper open, because you will have to turn your bag around.

Now you need a chain and you just sew it on the edges of the bag. And we are done.



diy lace shirt

Step by step lace shirt
Cut out two square of fabric.

That is the back of the shirt.
On one square you make a little shape of a hart, thats the front.

Now we need an old bra, we pin the fabric on it, and sew it on the back side of the shirt.
You have to be careful when you sew on the edge of the bra, because of the wire. I broke two needles... :( 

Then we cut off the part of the bra that you dont need.
And sew around the shirt on the edges.
And we also do that on the square for the back of the shirt. 

Then we take lace and we sew one end on the front, and one end on the back of the shirt. And we repeat on the other side.

So we can have a shirt without straps.

Or we take a little more lace and sew on straps.
Thats it :)



sobota, 7. september 2013

Diy strip for the camera

   You need a strip of your choice and a piece of leatherette. 

First you have to measure how long strap you want, then you cut two pieces of strip.

And you sew them together.
Then you cut two pieces of fabric in a square shape.
And sew it on the end of the strip

Now you make a hole in the center.

And pull the strip through.
Then you fold it in to half.

Sew it on the edges, around and around. And you repeat on the other side.

We are done :)
(Sorry for blurred pictures, but thats my phone..)